If you are a real estate investor looking to invest in Austin real estate, you have come to the right place.

Austin Options Realty has the knowledge and expertise to find you a successful and profitable Austin real estate investment.

Real estate experts and major newspapers around the country have consistently identified Austin as one of the top three places in the U.S. to invest in real estate.

This is due in large part to the steady job growth Austin has experienced in the last twenty years. Unlike other markets, such as Arizona, Florida and Las Vegas, Austin did not experience a steep increase in housing prices over the past ten years. Austin’s growth has been the healthiest kind of growth – slow and steady. Because we did not experience a steep increase in housing prices, we are not suffering the same steep decline in prices that much of the rest of the country is experiencing.

Because of the beauty of the Austin Hill country, the five surrounding area lakes, Austin’s thriving night life, its world class music scene, and its low cost of living, companies from all over the world continue to migrate to Austin to set up offices.

Austin continues to have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country

Austin has a very young and highly educated population and, therefore, is a great place for companies to find talented employees.

Austin Options Realty has a large database of Austin real estate investment properties which include foreclosed properties, ideal properties to flip in Austin, REO properties, “fixer uppers,” bank owned properties and condos.

We also have a team of highly experienced and sophisticated commercial real estate agents who can help you find the right property with the right cash flows and “cap rates” you are looking for. So, if you’re looking to invest in commercial property, give us a call.

When you are ready to make a great real estate investment in Austin, call us or email us.

Owner / Agent
North Office
6101 W. Courtyard Dr., Bldg 2 Suite 100
Austin, TX 78730

Email : rose.optionsrealty@gmail.com
Office : 512.250.9882
Cell : 512.656.3281
Fax : 512.250.0799